
Notícias RightChallenge

Acompanhe o nosso trabalho, boas práticas a nível do crescimento sustentável, do emprego de qualidade e coesão social, bem como a nível da inovação e reforço da identidade europeia e da cidadania ativa

Online Volunteering: You can help from home!

Online Volunteering: You can help from home!

Volunteering is a deeply fulfilling activity. By helping others, we can gain experience, education, and a sentiment of accomplishment. But not everyone is able to go out, even more so right now. So, why not volunteer from home?  Yes, from your desk in your bedroom....

Leaders of tomorrow

Leaders of tomorrow

Boyan Slat. Is the name familiar? No? We’ll talk about him today. Boyan is a Dutch inventor. When he was 16, he went on holiday to Greece and found himself surrounded by more plastic than fish. So, as any 16-year-old kid would do, he dedicated is high school project...



Morada: Rua do Conde de Ferreira, nº 208, Bonfim 4000-222 Porto

Horário de Atendimento

Segunda a Sexta-feira:

9h – 13h

14h – 18h
