Youngsters may now spend more time using tech than doing anything else. And don’t count out the time they’re in classes, we all know they are still using their mobile phones during those. But don’t look at this is as some kind of abnormal behavior. The kids are using tech and we should embrace it, not trying to take it away. Society, and the education sector above all, has a great opportunity in their hands. Those of us who were in school at some point know how much of a helpless feeling you can have at various moments. Not because you think that school is unnecessary, but because it is dull. Sitting for hours and hours, through your most active years, in a classroom staring at a whiteboard is dull. So, how can we change this? Kids have trying to tell us for years now. Use tech. Stop looking at their mobile phones as some kind of enemies, and let’s start using them as teaching tool. There are so many options to what you can do: search videos, create online challenges, do group activities. In sum, engage the students!
