The project “NAVI-MIG” project aims to contribute to the inclusion and integration of newly arrived migrants.

The successful integration and inclusion of migrants is key to collective, social and economic well-being. Migrants can contribute to addressing skills shortages in certain sectors, are often the drivers of rural regeneration and can help address the demographic challenge in ageing societies (McKinsey Global Institute, 2018).

Everyday reality shows, however, that migrants are at greater risk of social exclusion than the native population, especially when it comes to accessing health and social services, education, adequate housing and employment.

To tackle this issue, the project aims to:

  • Contribute to migrants being able to use the NAVI-MIG app on their own in their new country of residence with greater self-confidence and autonomy.
  • Provide a roadmap for migrants in the new country of residence to help them orientate and settle in quickly with the help of the NAVI-MIG app.
  • Provide an overview and quick and easy access to key public services such as welfare and healthcare services, integration programmes, language teaching, vocational training, among others.
  • Decrease migrants' barriers in utilising existing services by offering training on the NAVI-MIG application.
  • Also provide an initial support network through a one-to-one mentoring programme based on the individual needs of the target group.

This project is supported in the frame of the Erasmus+ European programme.
