The project “EEOB” provided a personalized and innovative qualification concept that addresses a wide range of skills relevant for both young workers and young people.
For 18 months, dissemination activities were implemented, such as multiplier events targetting young workers, social action students, workers and other organisations interested in the administration of schools and public services. The materials and resources developed were tested by the project partners.
The EEOB directly addressed at least 1000 people (YW and marginalised youth in seven EU countries). Its overall long-term impact is intended to go far beyond this number.
The most relevant impact was directed to organisations working with young people, due to the quality of their work, implementation of innovative methods and design of training courses and activities. The long-term impact on young people's attitude towards different cultures and subcultures is targeted.
In this respect, the greatest impact has been at the local and regional levels. The English version and translations of the materials are available in seven languages and ensure their use on a European scale.
The EEOB aims to contribute to an overall positive dynamic in European society and among stakeholders towards political awareness, social inclusion and tolerance.
This project is supported in the frame of the Erasmus+ European programme.