The project "Digital4All - Building a Digital World for All" aims to train, under behavioral and cognitive models people working with young migrants, so that they are able to question and critically evaluate the information disseminated digitally, and thus be more resilient to fake news.

The project provides for people working with young migrants to gain conceptual knowledge on the topic of digital skills, preparing them to enhance (in young migrants) motivational and critical thinking strategies to question information online, and thus facilitate their inclusion in a totally new country, with different cultural, political and social specificities.

The main target groups thus constitute people working with young migrants and migrants in general.

In the implementation of the project, we will develop the following results:

  • Materiais de Capacitação para pessoas que trabalham com migrantes (Materiais em EN).
  • Um Relatório de Necessidades dos jovens migrantes (Relatório Nacional em PT e EN; Relatório Internacional em PT and EN).

  • A transnational Training Course " building a Digital world for all” aimed at people working with migrants.
  • Piloting the materials of the Transnational Training Course " building a Digital world for all” in young migrants.
  • A National Conference, with presentation of all project results to local populations, relevant organisations, young trainers, young migrants and other stakeholders.

This project is supported in the frame of the Erasmus+ European programme.


NGO "Non-Formal Education for Youth" IZB (Institut für Zukunft und Bildung)

Einrichtung mit Rechtspersönlichke it an der BHAK Mürzzuschlag
