The project “ELEVATION” project is to provide access to lifelong learning for the most vulnerable groups of adults - in particular low-skilled target audiences - in order to promote social inclusion.
Engaging marginalised adults in education and training can be a thankless task for educators equipped only with the basic pedagogical tools and approaches. Addressing the needs of the long-term unemployed (migrants; refugees and ethnic minorities such as Roma communities) requires considerable skill and dedication on the part of practitioners.
Interestingly, educators working with these groups tend to be the least resourced. Training to support the continuing professional development of adult educators is essential if they are to develop innovative approaches that attract adults at risk of social exclusion to lifelong learning.
The project has developed a new comprehensive and personalised learning framework to draw those furthest from the mainstream back into education and training.
ELEVATION believes that attracting these groups back into lifelong education and training is essential to promote social inclusion.
This project is supported in the frame of the Erasmus+ European programme.