One of the main issues faced by citizens the 21st century is the preservation of the environment and the need to find sustainable strategies for the next generations. When it comes to issues of large-scale societal change, advocates have always been key actors in shaping new political horizons for society. Whether concerned with social issues or environment, activities of engaged citizens can have an immense impact for a given cause. Advocacy and volunteer work have been a driving force for social justice, and numerous examples from around the world show the impact of various movements. An example in the sphere of environmental advocacy is the student-led movement inspired by Greta Thunberg, the young Swedish environmental activist who recently gained prominence by serving as a role model for young people and by presenting a personalised narrative of the consequences of environmental degradation. By building the leadership skills of young people, we create catalysts for inspiration for the entire community. Young people often meet challenges head on, and projects developed by youngsters can have a huge community impact. Leadership and advocacy go hand in hand: advocates do not have to be leaders, but a good leader should be a strong advocate.

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