The "WHOW – Women Home Working” project focuses on young people, particularly young women who have become mothers at a very young age and have experienced a break in their education, training or career path.

This break has resulted in skills and knowledge that need to be completed or updated to re-enter the labour market.

The digital and secretarial training proposed by the WHOW project provides the necessary knowledge to conduct activities from their homes and allows these young mothers to start an online activity, either as an employee or as a self-employed person.

The project therefore takes up the theme of women's employability and equal access to training as young mothers. Indeed, these young mothers are sometimes in transition after their maternity and the return to the labour market can be difficult.

The WHOW project addresses this gap by offering training in digital and secretarial skills, which have been very popular during the pandemic. The WHOW project also proposes an innovative aspect which is to offer an answer to the problem of childcare.

This project is supported in the frame of the Erasmus+ European programme.
